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  主 题: 什么时候成立个平氏联系录呀 已阅:2465 / 回复:4(楼主)


作者:平常人家 (2009/9/4 18:05:14)   回复此贴
  回复:什么时候成立个平氏联系录呀 第 2 楼

Tips to use hostgator discount code
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作者:qiesi123 (2011/1/3 12:21:56)   回复此贴
  回复:什么时候成立个平氏联系录呀 第 3 楼

Update Your Profile. Whenever you get the chance, upload a new picture of your last vacation to the free online dating site. You can change your headline to tell members the things wow power leveling happening to your life. This way, people will not see you as someone who is static. A new headline 重庆二手交易 or a new photo can mean a new visitor to your page.
Be Honest. You can’t be anybody except yourself. Although world of warcraft power leveling it is rather easy and tempting to pretend to someone on a free dating site, remember that you will eventually meet, and your lies wow cheap gold will be discovered sooner or later. And when world of warcraft power leveling that happens, your date will run to the other direction faster than a speeding bullet. Be confident that you will gold for wow find someone who will like the real you. That’s how every good romance starts.

作者:mamwen (2011/1/5 15:36:30)   回复此贴
  回复:什么时候成立个平氏联系录呀 第 4 楼

4) Threat wow power leveling does not decay
Threat wow power leveling never, ever decays. Here is test data. Warrior wow power leveling does 83 damage on mob in battle stance, gains aggro. From above, we know it will take more than 83 * 0.8 * 1.1 = 73.04 cheap wow gold threat to gain aggro. Warrior waits for 5 wow gold minutes getting beat on. Then mage starts attacking slowly. Mage does 73 damage, but buy wow power leveling does not gain aggro! Mage aion power leveling does another 2 damage, and does gain aggro. From the warrior's initial hit to losing aggro, the time aion power leveling taken was 496 seconds.
As an upper cheap wow power leveling bound, assume maximal threat decay. i.e. the mage only needed 73.000000001 threat to gain aggro. Then the warrior's threat had decayed to 66.36363636, from 66.4. This means he went down aion gold to 99.945% threat in 496 seconds.

作者:sabsa (2011/1/27 9:34:01)   回复此贴
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